About The Mossy Hare

Hi, I’m Bella and here’s how The Mossy Hare started!

After becoming a mum and aiding The Tooth Fairy on her many visits, the joy and excitement I saw on my children’s faces reminded me of the magic and mystery this brought to me as a child.

At the same time I was working in Reception with 4 & 5 year olds and rediscovered their fascination with fairies- the intrigue, magic and the myths!
Soon I was creating little notes around the playground for the children to find, making small baskets out of acorn cups and tiny swings for them to discover and they loved it- running into school the next day to see if the fairies had left any evidence of a nighttime fairy gathering (they had!).

I loved creating and imagining with them so I decided to start creating Tooth Fairy sets for parents that want to bring that extra magic to their child’s already exciting adventure of losing a tooth. 
And The Mossy Hare was born!

Of course there are hundreds of fairies that collect teeth (as the children tell me) and so you’ll find Woodland Fairies, Sparkly Fairies, Wishing Star Fairies, Sky Fairies that leave unicorn feathers, fairies that like to write their notes on leaves and others that prefer a rainbow scroll- all in my shop!

I also have a love of books and interior design and combining them became the inspiration for my beautiful, personalised book stacks, baking became cookie jars and all the other sections you’ll find in my shop are evidence of a buzzing mind!

I hope you enjoy looking through my shop!

Thanks for visiting, 

Bella x